Extend Salesforce using these awesome apps

Salesforce is not only the best CRM globally (see their ranking on G2 here ) but it also serves as  a great platform for Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) to build out their apps. This post focuses on some of our favourite apps:



StoreConnect is a natively built e-commerce and point of sale solution. We love this app, firstly, because it was dreamed up right here down under! And also because the StoreConnect team has built out functionality that is hard to replicate.

Our favourite features include

  • Subscriptions
  • Promotion codes
  • Loyalty features
  • Appointments and bookings


On top of all this the technical support from the team is amazing.

Our lovely client The Wine Community raves about their new StoreConnect store. Matt Carr, the Marketing and Events Manager at the wine community says:https://www.thewinecommunity.com.au/collections/all

“…our implementation of Store Connect has resulted in an outcome that will set-up our business to succeed in to the future”

If you want to extend your Salesforce experience to encompass a webstore or Point of sale facilities, please reach out to us at Swan and we can help you implement StoreConnect.


Mission Control

This one is for the Project Managers and Professional Services organisations out there and again its an app originating from Australia (we really are a productive bunch!). Mission Control is a natively built project management tool. It will help your organisation deliver consistently efficient projects across the board.

Our Favourite features include:

  • Easy time entry from multiple entry points within the app
  • Action Pad and Console – gives a targeted view of project activity and work to be completed
  • Resource Planner
  • Billing


Kepler Analytics also shares our admiration for Mission Control, Cam Crowell (COO) and his Project Management team are utilising this great tool within their business to manage an overwhelming number of projects. Mission Control is a core part of their tech stack and is:

 “…tailored to our company’s strategic imperatives.”

If you share our enthusiasm for a project well done, let us introduce you to the wonderful world of project management on Salesforce with Mission Control

Accounting Seed

Build out the complete view of your business by bringing the back office into Salesforce too! Accounting Seed removes the silos within your business and brings all of your team together on the one platform. You can truly experience every touchpoint across the client’s lifecycle from lead to ledger!

Features we love

  • Unpost! – this is a lifesaver, no need to perform tedious transaction reversals and reentry if you have made a small error
  • AR automation – Take payments and automatically match to invoices
  • Inventory management
  • Easy pre-built P&L, Balance Sheet and cash flow reporting

Customers love that everything is all in one place when using Accounting Seed, there is no need to go back and forth to multiple systems.

Ready to Elevate Your Salesforce Experience?

So these are three of our favourites, the best thing of all about extending your salesforce org using apps like these is that you get the wonderful automation and other platform capabilities to tailor these solutions to your way of doing business. Use spectacular screen flows, approval processes, validations and custom fields the same way your would in other standard objects within Salesforce

At Swan, we specialise in helping businesses like yours seamlessly integrate and maximise the potential of these powerful apps. Whether you’re looking to enhance your e-commerce capabilities, streamline project management, or unify your financial processes, or perhaps all three, our team is here to support you every step of the way.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how we can tailor these solutions to fit your unique business needs. Let’s take your Salesforce experience to the next level together!