View the case study below

The Challenge
Proximity wanted to significantly enhance their internal systems to remove manual processes and ensure the business was placed for scale. They needed a system to manage tenders and sales activities, time entry and resource planning and all their accounting needs.
The solution was to utilise the best enterprise applications on the Salesforce platform combined with the native CRM capabilities.
- Salesforce CRM
- Outlook connector & X-files for Sharepoint
- Financialforce PSA & accounting
Key metrics
Over 150 active client projects, 350 time cards entered per week and month end billing time reduced from 5 days to less than 1
Active projects at any time
Timecards per week
End of month billing
“Swan Tech did an incredible job… being highly available, presenting fit for purpose solutions and balancing system limitations & maintainability with our business requirements. Overall this created an extremely valuable solution for us that culminated in a smooth launch and immediate realisation of benefits to end users.”
Group Manager IT
The Benefits
1. End of month billing reduced to 1 day
The integrated nature of the the solutions provided by Swan Technology Solutions means that Proximity’s monthly billing process has been reduced to 1 days from 2 weeks.
2. Easy tendering process
The client engagement team now have a collaborative repeatable process for tendering on new work with clear visibility of existing Government panel arrangements.
3. One platform means simplicity
Single platform has simplified the IT structures within the business and has enabled an unhindered end to end experience for users especially with SSO, Outlook connector and X files for SharePoint.